Big Fort Build Crowdfunder Live!
We’re back - bigger and better than before!
Britain’s Big Fort Build continues at Park in the Past in 2021 with its ground-breaking and totally unique project - we are creating an entire ancient landscape complete with a full-scale, fully-functioning Roman fort. The first conquest-period timber fort to be built in Britain for nearly 2,000 years!
Thanks to Brexit and COVID the last two years have been a roller coaster ride but now we are back on track and have made amazing progress in the last six months. The ramparts have been raised, the fort footprint is complete, the south gate tower in position. We’ve literally moved heaven and earth (20,000 tonnes of earth to be precise!) and now we need your to help get us to our next major milestone.
Support this project here:
A Special Message to All Our NHS Heroes
Please watch our special message to our NHS Heros below.
NHS Heroes Thanks from Planet X Media on Vimeo.
Park in the Past is open 9 am to 6 pm for essential exercise for key workers and our local community.
All visitors must follow government guidelines when social distancing
Community Event Week at Park in the Past
FREE Event: Open week during half term for people to drop in and enjoy Park in the Past. We have 4 days of activities planned from Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm. with evening lectures.
Grabbing some quality time for your self, family, kids and dogs. This is the Tranquil Heart of Flintshire.
Enjoy walks, cycle or jogging around our lake and through our woodland paths. Experience our resident wildlife flora and fauna. Visit our exhibition of the old quarry and village. Celtic crafting for the family to enjoy all week and on Thursday we have minibus site tours for those with limited mobility.
Event Programme
Tuesday 18th Feb: Evening Talk: The Druids: Fact or Fiction By Rob Chapman. Lecture 7 pm 1hr (£2 per head) Free parking suitable for adults.
Tuesday 18th Feb: Meet the Iron Age (Celt) By Will Llawerch author of The Little Book of the Iron Age. A superb display of daily living and lots of opportunities to try, touch and experience life before the Romans. Suitable for all ages.Wednesday 19th Feb: Ruth Moore Williams acclaimed storyteller with Tales of Wales. 3 sessions over the day. Suitable for all ages
Wednesday 19th Feb: Evening lecture 7 pm. The Iron Age Celt: Fact or Fiction. by William Marshal Hall. (£2 per head) approx 1hr. Free parking and suitable for adults.
Thursday 20th Feb: Professor Llusern's Marvelous Puppet Show conducted in Welsh and English. Four sessions over the day. Suitable for all ages.
Friday 21st Feb: General drop in to meet the Park in the Past team and other community and local based services and facilities.
Please note:
On Thursday 20th Feb there will be site tours by minibus for those with limited mobility ongoing throughout the day.
Upcoming Volunteering Opportunities
Build the Wicker Man:
May 1st, 2nd & 3rd - A strict timetable of 3 days to collect and assist with the creation of the wicker. Bring people together in an activity that’s has been in Celtic culture before records began. Remind us of our past heritage and the connection of our ancestors to the land and the seasons.
Fence Building:
May 6th, May 20th & June 3rd - Create series of stock fencing from materials collected on site as an output from scrub clearance. Teach new/old skills and engender a sense of support and interest, Create opportunities for volunteers to meet people and gain shared experience. The output will be a point of pride and provide our agricultural and historical areas with more security allowing some initial development in agriculture and grazing of animals.
Track Clearing:
May 19th, June 2nd & June 16th - Clear the existing concrete pathway so that people can access the site more efficiently, This activity will directly improve visits for people with limited mobility, disabilities and with small children.
Passionate about Horses? At community heritage attraction Park in the Past, we’re passionate about horses in history and want to give you the opportunity to explore 120 acres of safe unspoilt parkland with views across an idyllic 35-acre an area of outstanding natural beauty. It's a real chance to experience a fantastic off-road fun ride venue right on your doorstep.
We've Listened to You! Following our taster weekend in January we listened to you - our local equestrian community - about what you'd like to see in our a permanent off-road hacking route around the park. We're very busy adding new features to make your ride even more rewarding.
So come along and enjoy the ride!
Price: Just £10 per horse. £5 all day parking. Advance booking required.
To Book: Advance booking required. Please ring 01978 761264 to book your place.
Bring your family and friends – All are welcome to enjoy this wonderful new riding experience in a place of outstanding natural beauty.
See more information HERE or Book tickets:
Brilliant New Riding Experience
Do you own a horse? Would you like the opportunity to explore 120 acres of safe and unspoilt parkland and beautiful 35-acre lake? Is a fantastic off-road fun ride venue on your doorstep of interest to you?
At community heritage attraction Park in the Past, we're passionate about horses in history and we're holding a taster equestrian only weekend Saturday 27th - Sunday 28th January 2018 to enable us to consult with our local equestrian community about a permanent off-road hacking route around the park.
Price: Just £15 per horse. £10 for a second horse. Advance booking required.
To Book: Please ring 01978 761264 to book your place or Just turn up and Pay on Gate with card or cash! Bring your family and friends - All are welcome to enjoy this wonderful new riding experience in a place of outstanding natural beauty.
See more information HERE or Book tickets:
Award winning author Ben Kane's fab fundraising campaign
Award-winning author Ben Kane's Fab Fundraising Campaign for Park in the Past Top-selling author Ben Kane is on the fundraising trail for us again! Last year heritage hero Ben raised over £8,000 for the project by riding thousands of miles through Europe. But this year he intends to donate all of the money he raises to Park in the Past. We love Ben to bits and wish him success and the very best on his campaign.
Fagl Lane Quarry has a new name: Park in The Past
What is this all about, and what does it mean for local people?
As most local people will have heard, the quarry has been acquired from its former owners by a local company which plans to build a Roman Fort there. There is a lot more to our plans than that, and this is where we need your help. The local company is Called “Park in The Past Community Interest Company”. Notice the word ‘Community’ in the name. This is because this is special type of company, which is designed to enable businesses that want to bring community benefits to qualify for some of the opportunities that are normally only available to registered charities. One of these is the ability to apply for grants from organisations like the National Lottery. We’ve done this, and been successful in Stage 1 of the “Create your Space” competition. Make no mistake, this is a competition, and only with the help of the local community will the Park in The Past qualify for a £2 million investment which will help to transform the former quarry into a uniquely themed community park. One thing we should mention is that all this money will be invested in the Park. As a Community Interest Company, there is a legally binding asset lock in place which means that whatever money is invested in the Park stays in the Park.
So what help do we need? We have come up with an overall concept, but we need your input on the detail. Have you visited the site? What do you do there already? What would you like to be able to do? What concerns do you have? Only by finding out what you want can we hope to be able to deliver the maximum benefits as part of the final scheme.
Over the coming weeks and months, we will be holding a number of events which will enable us to develop a detailed development plan. We see this as an ongoing process, and so we will continue to share our proposals and to seek your input as we move forwards.
To find out about these and other events, check the [events page]. Please come along and have your say!